About the ISR Awards
Every year ISR issues awards in the following categories:
Young Research Scientist Award (YRS)
Academic Excellence Award (AEA)
Best School Teacher Award (BST)
Best Student Project Award (BSP)
Young Research Scientist Award (YRS)
This award is to encourage researchers by issuing awards to his/her research paper published in any of the reputed International Journals or conferences. This award title will be given to those who are below 40 years of age.
Academic Excellence Award (AEA)
This award is to recognize the teaching professionals for excellence in teaching, collaboration with students in research projects, and active participation with students in professional activities, good academic record, growth and achievement in his/her area of expertise. Minimum teaching experience must be 2 years and he/she must be presently working professional.
Best School Teacher Award (BST)
This award for Teachers is started with the aim of raising the prestige of teachers and giving public recognition to the meritorious services of outstanding teachers working in Primary, Middle and Higher Secondary Schools..
Best Student Project Award (BSP)
ISR Student Projects Programme is to encourage students by issuing awards to their academic projects and also to provide a platform to publish their project work in an open-access digital library of academic projects
Benefits of Awards
Young Research Scientist Award (YRS)/ Academic Excellence Award (AEA)/ Best School Teacher Award (BST)
A hard copy of the certificate with the respective Award Title will be given where awardee name and best research paper (if any) details will be mentioned.
ISR Professional Membership which is worth Rs.1500/- will be given. Membership Id card and Certificates will be given to all the participants.
Registered participants details along with photos will be published on the ISR website
He/She will be considered as a reviewer for our ISR Journals and a certificate will be issued for the same.
He/She may be invited as a session chair/resource person for ISR events in his/her area of expertise.
Best Student Project Award (BSP)
All the registered projects will be published on “ISR website” under best projects
ISR Student membership to all the project team members will be issued freely.
Participation Certificate will be given to all the registered team members (Maximum of four students per project).
A guidance Certificate will be given to the Project guide.
A college participation certificate will also be given if more than 20 teams are registered from the college.
Procedure and documents checklist to apply for the award
Fill out the nomination form for awards under different categories. The form will be online with all mandatory fields to be filled for being shortlisted. Some documents checklist needs to be uploaded with the form will be as follows
Young Research Scientist Award (YRS)
One of his/her best research papers (already published during the past five years) must be selected by the candidate for the award. Based on the technical weightage of the paper, standards of the publisher, impact factor, citations etc. awards will be decided by the ISR Review committee.
Passport size photo (Image)
College/Employee ID Proof
Recent CV
Proof of publication - Certificate of conference/journal/patent
Full paper (If not open access, provide only link of abstract/full paper)
Link of publication
Academic Excellence Award (AEA)
Teaching faculty at the college level of any grade can apply for this award with a minimum of 2 years of experience.
Passport size photo (Image)
Experience Certificate and ID Card
Copy of students feedback statistics of the previous semester
Result analysis of previous semester (any one subject you handled)
Recent CV
Justification for the award (includes organizing technical events for the students, projects etc.)
Details of all above achievements
Recommendation letter by anyone alumni (passed out student) and college management
Best School Teacher Award (BST)
Only school teachers of any grade can nominate for this award
Best Student Project Award (BSP)
Students (Maximum of four students per project) can submit their final year or pre-final year academic project. The project team leader (student) must apply for the award.
Passport size photo of Team lead
Project Synopsis
Nomination form
Student ID card (Team lead)
If any grant received for the project
Apply for ISR Awards: